Company > History


Established Yearim Comfurni Co., Ltd.



Applied for intellectual property rights on computer desks
(Utility models, patents).



Participated in the '96 Sinopa International furniture exhibition.



Introduced new products to magazines and Maekyung Buyers.



Introduced new products to Southern Asia (Hong Kong, Malaysia).


Participated in the '97 small medium business computer
devices exhibitions.


Developed educational furniture
(development and delivery of teacher's desks
and computer room furniture).


Participated in the '98 international furniture woods exhibition.


Launched educational (buried/half buried) computer desks.


Utility models registration for functional consents and
multiple intellectual property registration.


Registered utility models for buried type computer desks.


Registered utility models for multi functional keyboard trays.


Expanded the factory in Ojeong-dong Bucheon-si.


Launched educational multi purpose table and
manual elevation desks.


Delivered and launched LCD computer desks.


Launched LCD search board and multi purpose buried type desks.


Established a factory in Gyulhyun-dong, Geyang-gu, Incheon.


Launched the first Korean LCD monitor motor elevation device
(screw type).


Delivered 1 person/2 person motor desks samples.


Delivered and launched motored stand-type teacher's desks
and tilted desks.


Launched educational lab furnitures, language room furniture
and other modernized business furnitures.


Moved to a new factory in Hanseong-myeon, Tongjin-eup, Gimpo-si.


Launched remote control-type motor elevators.


Changed the company name to Yearim Comfurni.


Developed and launched monitory type of motored elevator.


Launched elevator tables and lan top auto elevators.


Launched automated tilted board type of desks.


Developed and launched manual tilted computer desks.